Expedient and efficient delivery of results
    for your optical fibre communication
  • Our core business

    Creation of long-haul links:
    High-speed network extension
    Point-to-point building connections
    Maintenance intervention on operator's telecommunication networks
  • 6 regional branch offices

    Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Montpellier, Mâcon and Guadeloupe
    FORTEL support you in your projects
  • Design Office

    FORTEL has the ability to conduct major network growth projects successfully, from the preliminary draft up to the finale completion, managing every administrative and technical aspects.

    • Normalised processes for road works, DT/DICT and «Multicases»
    • Survey and right of way in sewer infrastructure /SAP-SEVESC-DSEA-DEA
    • Right of way to France Télécom network infrastructure /DIVOP GCRCA-BLO
    • Survey and right of way documents for cable run inside buildings

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  • Network Construction

    FORTEL covers all of the stages entailed in setting up a project :

    • Laying of fibre-optic cables: aerial, sewers, ducts, tunnels or civil works...
    • Building connection: Entry points through sewers, ducts or civil works...
    • Installation in cabinets: Fibre-optic termination shelves, active equipments, cabling...
    • Qualification of fibre-optic cabling: Time domain reflectometry measurements, optical attenuation...

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  • Maintenance

    FORTEL team provide all maintenance operations and stand-by duty on all operators' fibre network:

    • Preventive maintenance of NRO: maintenance of premises, equipment monitoring...
    • Curative facilities maintenance: Troubleshooting of active fibre links
    • 24/7 on call team: Emergency number, technicians and equipment on standby

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  • François Ancenay

    Managing Director and CTO

    «Communication is crucial and long distance costs are an important expense which cannot be neglected. Traditional ways of communication could no longer meet the demand in term of speed and flow rate. Fibre optic networks provide excellent reliability and high speed for outstanding performances.

    Fiber optics is the preferred transmission medium and has become crucial for high-speed network development for ISP and Telecom operators.

    Based on the experience I have gathered over the last 20 years in telephone networks in France and other countries, the new challenge in fibre optic was truly exciting and we founded FORTEL in 1999. Our goal: meet the implementation requirements for fibre optic based networks.

    Our vision is to achieve high value-added services for the benefit of operators, provide high-quality labour thanks to a skilled and well motivated labour force, as a large geographical availability.